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San Juan de Ruesta修道院于2001年被彻底毁坏:由于行政部门的疏忽,这座位于Camino de Santiago Aragonés游览路线上的独特景点成为了一处废墟。曾经一度使其闻名于世的12世纪的罗马绘画收藏也于1960年被拆卸,如今展出于雅卡教区博物馆(Diocesan Museum of Jaca)。
▼圣地亚哥朝圣之路,Situation Way to Santiago copia Sebastián Arqui
The hermitage of San Juan de Ruesta ceased to exist in 2001, where administration neglect left into ruins this unique piece of the Camino de Santiago Aragonés, known for having supported one of the collections of Romanesque painting from the s. XII most important in Spain, stripped in 1960 and nowadays exhibited in the Diocesan Museum of Jaca.
▼场地鸟瞰,Aerial view Iñaki Bergera Photography
Stripped of its use and its paintings, only a few wall canvases and the apse of a volume that previously stood as compact and powerful against the landscape of the river Aragón and the mountains of Leyre, close to an insolent pile of stones originating from of its partial demolition in 2002.
▼原始建筑和壁画,Historical photos of the hermitage
Intervention over the ruins requires a criterion, a main intention. In this case it was to recover this strong volume against the trees that surround it, discovered between the trunks of oaks and holm oaks, and that will give a space in shade to the pilgrim in the one to make a stop on the road to Santiago.
▼从树林望向建筑,View from the forest Iñaki Bergera Photography
▼轴测分解图,Axon – exploded Sebastián Arquitectos
The reintegration has been carried out from the beginning of a critical restoration, where the new volume, of approximately 60% of the main nave, rests on the previous one with an abstract and unitary language, a set of horizontal lines that, following the plot of the original masonry and holes, establishes a recognizable language for the new intervention. The new volume is slightly delayed with respect to the existing plan of façade, which, in turn, already adopted a setback position in the 18th century when the central nave had to be rebuilt for unknown reasons.
▼在废墟上重建的修道院,An intervention over the ruins Iñaki Bergera Photography
▼一系列水平线条与既有砖石和孔径形成了呼应,A set of horizontal lines follow the plot of the original masonry and holes Iñaki Bergera Photography
▼入口立面,Entrance facade Iñaki Bergera Photography
▼新的体量稍稍后退于既有的外墙边界 Iñaki Bergera Photography The new volume is slightly delayed with respect to the existing plan of façade
▼立面细节,Facade detailed view Sebastián Arquitectos
▼墙体轴测,Axon – wall Sebastián Arquitectos
The roof slabs, linked to the vernacular construction, slide down the façade, granting a single firgurative detail to the eaves that evokes the position of the original and to the gap lost over the access of which only photographic evidence remained. A system of carved stone ashlars continues this horizontal cutting, and opens to the interior a latticework of mechinales in charge of building the original atmosphere of the hermitage, bringing the gloom that one day, centuries ago, this space had.
▼外墙系统示意,Slab system Sebastián Arquitectos
▼屋顶近景,Roof Iñaki Bergera Photography
▼外观细节,Exterior detailed view Sebastián Arquitectos
▼室内空间,Interior view Iñaki Bergera Photography
▼外墙系统为建筑内部赋予了一种符合修道院原始基调的镂空屏幕,A system of carved stone opens to the interior a latticework of mechinales Iñaki Bergera Photography
▼室内细节,Interior detailed view Iñaki Bergera Photography
Outside today a memorial extends over the field that surrounds the hermitage, a glimpse of those insolent stones from the demolition unfold as a beautiful ordering plot that accompanies the pilgrim bringing him the memory and artistic will that one day they had.
▼夜景,Night view Iñaki Bergera Photography
▼手绘,Sketch Sebastián Arquitectos
▼轴测图,Axon Sebastián Arquitectos
▼立面图,Elevaton Sebastián Arquitectos
▼剖面图,Section Sebastián Arquitectos
ACTUACIONES EN EL CAMINO DE SANTIAGO FRANCÉS POR ARAGÓN FASE II _ RESTAURACIÓN ERMITAS DE SAN JACOBO Y DE SAN JUAN DE RUESTA, Y SAN JUAN DE SIGUÉS Año 2019-21 Equipo redactor: SEBASTIÁN ARQUITECTOS SLP Director: Sergio Sebastián Franco Arquitecto técnico: Pablo Sebastián Arquitectos: Alejandro Alda, Giorgio Bernardi, Valeria Gasparini, Laura Martínez Ingenieros: Javier Caamaño, Matute Manrique Arqueología : Paleoymas Historiador: Alex Garris Restauración: Patrocinio Jimeno Promotor: Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro y UTE Yesa Constructor: RubioMorte y UTE Yesa Fotos: Iñaki Bergera / Sebastián Arquitectos Dibujos: Sebastián Arquitectos