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灯塔亭-Lighthouse Pavilion
2022-01-05 11:16:24

▼This year, however, the founders of the festival came up with the idea of transforming an abandoned farmstead in the middle of the village into an artistic residence, where a pavilion for workshops or smaller events was to be built. The intention was to create a functional space, but with added aesthetic value.



▼We perceive the pavilion as an anthropological interpretation of functionality and aesthetics. The form of the pavilion is based on regional characteristics but transforms them into the current context.

The dominant element is the chimney, which has always signalized life in the house. At the same time, in our conception, we transform it into a signal tower - a lighthouse, which marks the mainland border or civilization, and put it in the position of a billboard, like an advertisement on a local road. We transform an inseparable typological element of every house, home and give it a new meaning. Overall, we comprehensively perceive it as a point denoting a place of meeting, a place of socialization, a place of home, or a place for the community. An illuminated light signals cultural activity in the village.



▼This proposed form should not be inconspicuous but, on the contrary, attractive and highly visual. Aesthetics is transferred to the structure and turns the banal static scheme of the light chimney beams into a graphic and visual pattern. We are creating the concept of a functional ornament, where the light chimney as a visual attractor also serves as a lattice girder. Thanks to this no columns are needed in its center, as the frame construction consisting of five transverse frames is reinforced perpendicularly by this lattice girder.


▼This installation was built during Field of Sparks Artweek with the financial support of the Visegrad Fund in Ipolytarnóc, Hungary.




灯塔亭-Lighthouse Pavilion
  • 上传时间: 2022-01-05 11:16:24
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  • 素材标签: 景观小品灯塔艺术装置
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